Best Toys for 7-Year Olds with Nonverbal Autism

Even though it takes them a while to learn, most autistic kids eventually speak. However, on the other side of the spectrum, there are those that end up being non-verbal but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t communicate. Don’t fret if you have a 7-year-old with non-verbal autism. This is because they are probably pre-verbal and need some of the best toys to help them communicate verbally. Behavioral therapy will also come in handy.

The best toys for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism are meant to encourage non-verbal communication and social interactions. These toys should also help the kid to express their feelings. Non-verbal autistic kids are just preverbal. You can go for audio toys with sounds that the child can imitate as it promotes social interaction.

Best Toys for 7-Year Olds with Nonverbal Autism

Here are some of the best toys for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism:

  1. ThinkPysch Flash Cards

ThinkPysch Flash Cards


ThinkPsych Flash Cards is one of the best toys for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism. The game involves matching pictures with feelings to encourage the kid to describe their true feelings. It also allows them to imitate facial expressions. MKgames is a 20-piece set with each card bearing a photo of a person showing a particular feeling. The child is supposed to identify these feeling and try imitating them as well. Plus, the kid gets to play with other people and this will help them sharpen their interactive skills.

Discussing these feelings also helps them learn of different situations where the feelings are applicable. ThinkPsych Flash Cards are perfect toys for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism as it typically encourages them to express their feelings with ease and confidence. What’s more, the cards are bit large and sturdy for durability. The photos on the cards are equally high-quality hence easily recognizable.

ThinkPsych Flash Cards also provide an interactive way for parents to get to know their kids better. It’s not only a fun game but also educational as the kid will be able to identify different non-verbal expressions in people.

  1. Melissa & Doug Farm Animals Puzzle with Sound Effects

Melissa & Doug Farm Animals Puzzle with Sound Effects


Most autistic kids love solving puzzles. Melissa & Doug Farm Animals Puzzle is designed to allow the kid to fit the animals into the block. It also has a sound effect that mimics the animals and goes off once the right card has been fitted into the block. The puzzle helps the kid focus on the task at hand and also develops fine motor skills. It’s equally colorful and works well in promoting hand-eye coordination and creating imagination.

The kid gets a reward for every animal they fit correctly. The puzzle also enhances problem solving, fine motor, creative and social skills. The only drawback is that the puzzle doesn’t come with batteries so you’ll have to buy them separately.

  1. Melissa & Doug See and Spell Game

Melissa & Doug See and Spell Game


The Melissa & Doug See and Spell Game is one of the best toys for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism. It’s a board with 50 letters that the kid can match with the animals to help them spell out, sight read and sharpen their language skills. The kid needs to spell out all the animals. The board also helps enhance fine motor skills since its supposed to be filled. Both the animals and letters are made with appealing colors to draw the child’s attention.

Melissa & Doug See and Spell Game teaches 7-year-olds language skills, spelling and solving puzzles. It also encourages social interactions. This developmental toy proves that language works in different ways. Non-verbal autistic kids can also practice hand-eye coordination, focus and spelling and they work on being verbally communicative.

  1. Calico Critters Caravan Camper, Cherry Cruiser and Koala Family Set

Calico Critters Caravan Camper, Cherry Cruiser and Koala Family Set


Calico Critters Caravan Camper, Cherry Cruiser and Koala Family Set is relatively expensive although it fosters friendship and family values in the child. This toy allows the kid to spend time around people while giving them a camping vibe. It’s not only fun but also helps promote imaginative play which is equally important for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism. It equally fosters social interaction.

  1. Wily Fox Montessori Toy

Wily Fox Montessori Toy


Wily Fox Montessori Toy is a simple yet exciting game that encourages storytelling, free play and interactivity. There are countless playing possibilities with this toy thanks to the four habitats and 36 animals flashcards. It’s one of the best toys for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism as it nudges them to explore and also verbalize answers to the questions.


The best toys for 7-year-olds with non-verbal autism typically helps encourage the kids to speak out. Parents can support their autistic kids in this journey by encouraging them to use gestures and make responses even if it’s just a phrase. When dealing with a non-verbal autistic kid, always exercise patience and move with their pace and soon they become communicative and fully verbal.

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